The advanced search operators refer to the unique characters and commands that help you refines the search results to the more relevant and precise results and extend the capabilities or the regular text searches. Google search operators can be used for both personal and professional internet searches. Advanced Google search has proven itself a powerful SEO and content marketing tool for finding the appropriate content concerning some specific blogs or websites.
Content marketing and SEO is taking the peak and has been an indispensable part of the digital marketing that facilitates growing the business. Certain Google search hacks are introduced to use the appropriate operators that focus on the search scope and show up only those pages that are relevant to the search. To utilize the advance search operators in the Google search, merely enter the ASO with a colon abide by the specific word.
Let us check out some basic Google Advanced search operators, and the Google hacks around them.

- Inurl: Inurl is an Advanced Search Operator that restricts the search results to the documents comprising that word in URL and WebPages.
- Allinurl: Allinurl confines the results to the pages containing all the query terms specified in the URL. This helps in locating the URL comprised of a set of words.
- Blogurl: Blogurl restricts the search results to the URLs comprising the query terms and “blog.” All the blog posts will be retrieved based on the URL and query terms.
- Intitle: Intitle operator confines the search results to the WebPages comprising the specific keyword in the title.
- Allintitle: Allintitle operator is responsible for confining the search results to those results only that are comprised of all the query terms in the title.
- Site: The site operator restricts the search results to the specific domain or site specified on Google search.
Google Search Operator Hacks

Google search operator hacks are essential while implementing search engine optimization techniques to refine the search results. Combining the search operators shows up the real power of search engine optimization.
Use a variety of operator combinations
Chain any combination of the operators, whether it be basic operators, advanced operators, or text searches. Mentioning the text in quotes with intitle and including all critical information to be retrieved.
For example: “search engine” intitle: “facts about search engine” –site:
This will retrieve the results of all the WebPages containing the mention “search engine” that requires being the exact match with the phrase facts about the search engine in the title.
Hunt down the plagiarized content

Always figure out the content is plagiarized or unique. To check out whether the content is plagiarized or unique, perform the following.
- Pick a unique phrase from your content.
- Put the unique phrase in quotes.
- Use an “intext:” operator after the unique phrase.
- And exclude your own website with “-site:”
Switch your site from HTTP to HTTPS

The transition of HTTP to https is challenging. Verify the progress by checking how many Google To perform this transition, follow the subsequent steps:
- Utilize the operator “site:” on your root domain.
- Exclude https pages with the indexes each type“-inurl:”
We hope that this blog has introduced with the advanced search operators and the Google search hacks around it. Follow and use these Google hacks to augment the search and get the relevant results to your search query.
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