If you’re looking for some more privacy or want your Facebook page to switch to a superhero mode, there are tricks and hacks you need to know.
If you have a Facebook account for your business, you should know how to enhance its value. In this case, only a Facebook hack application can help you out. Your account’s overall appeal needs to be improved from time to time to match up the ongoing social-media trend. Facebook pages include many tools to help marketers and business owners get the most out of their business presence.
Essential Facebook Hacks and Tricks to Apply:
Privatise Your Facebook Profile

Intruders often try to hack Facebook account, and therefore, to prevent it, you should put your profile’s security option on. This is how the profile can be privatized easily. Unique FB credentials for login can be used to prevent hackers to hack Facebook.
Maintain Your Facebook Profile

The profile needs to be maintained in quite an attractive manner for improving the overall value and appeal. Quality contents, images, and interactive videos need to be included to grab the targeted communities’ attention online.
Facebook Messenger Hack

It can be used for improving the messenger interactivity or communication via FB messenger. More and more potential contacts need to be added, and on the other hand, you should also connect your FB messenger with WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media platforms.
Invite Communities to Participate

Invite communities to participate either on a lucky-draws or in a debates involving trending topics of the society. This would truly be a smart move or approach that can boost your profile very easily on Facebook with an immediate effect to it. You can also organize some of the different interesting events to make the communities more engaged.
You need to increase communication with your commenters. You should always respond to their comments as soon as it is possible for continuing the conversation for a long. Also, sportingly take all the negative comments as that will help you to improve your brand performance in the future run.
Be Friendly

Try to mention a person in your post and they’re a lot more likely to share that particular post with their friends too. If you’re a brand, why not try to give another brand a like and see if the feeling is mutual from the both side? This kind of awareness-raising, when it is done right, is as wholesome and an organic as a Whole Foods salad: it sets you up for healthy growth.
Frame Your Fans

Facebook’s photo/video overlay effects are a fun, creative opportunity to interact with your audience as they use the Facebook camera. While a full video overlay takes some technical know-how, a simple photo frame can be created in a snap using the Camera Effects tool.
The specialties of your company should be highlighted broadly. Otherwise, the viewers will not become aware of your brand. Facebook town hall needs to be visited for following local politics along with current government services. Both game requests and app invites are to be blocked to avoid unwanted interruption. If you have introduced any new service or product, then you should arrange for a grand launch online on your page.